- A big concern when writing my first draft was the difference between high school and college level papers. I know this is early college, but there is still a different level expected and I was and am nervous about elevating my writing to the next level, with expanded thinking, using multiple resources, and other things.
- Caleigh Pimentel commented on my paper “I love the introduction to your paper. It definitely eases the reader into the topic and doesn’t just throw them into it.” Another of my peers also commented on my introduction, so I think my peers liked that the most as it set up a lot of my paper. I worked hard on that portion, as other sections of my essay, but I think my introduction shone through.
- Caleigh Pimentel also said “I love the use and analysis of this quote. You really pick it apart and talk about the parts even focusing in on key words.” This was the part where I was using Gee to talk about meta-knowledge and how that is the point where you are “faking it” or making it work. I think this was where I worked with Gee the best, when I was tying everything together and making it work for what I saw and what I wanted to say.
- In my third paragraph I focused on Cuddy and really delved into her position. I think this was my best work with her because I expanded on her point of view, while relating it to some of Gee’s terminology and ideas, really putting both on the spot.
- One of the biggest things I need to do that my peers talked about was spacing out some of my ideas. Such as my quotes being a little too close without enough explanation, or too big paragraphs that I need to break up. Another criticism was explaining a few concepts I was touching on later in the paper as my peers were “confused” at these, meaning I need to elaborate a little more so it is easier for them to understand my ideas.
- Overall, I think most of my paper is solid and I have some good ideas, but I just need to explain a few of them more clearly and not jump into some, but rather take my time so that my ideas come through.