Haas Reading Evidence

This annotation is an understanding piece. I was highlighting and annotating what I did not understand and tried to make sense of it. I then related back to my inference when I found the answer in the writing, discovering that I was correct.

This annotation is expanding Haas ideas, maybe even challenging it. She said people understand things they read better than those they write, but it is my opinion that this is subjective, and that many people write better than they read.

This was to highlight a relationship (text-to-text) with that of Gee’s work. Haas “metaunderstanding” is clearly similar to Gee’s “metaknowledge” and is used pretty similarly in both writings.

Here I was relating Haas’ work to actually my literacy narrative. I talked about “how” to write and “who” to write for and Haas goes into this in her work.

This last annotation was near the end of the piece, in the explanation after the experiment. She talks about “mentor-student relationships” which is very similar to both Gee’s “master-apprentice” idea and Cuddy’s teacher-student experiences.