Coordination and Subordination October 18


“In Layman’s terms, they are who you are at any given time or situation, and are used to function in any particular environment or task.”

With my transition of “and” I make both ideas equal, and they are connected, but are two ideas that build off each other, but neither is more important than the other.

“Practices or activities is clearly an important factor in developing a Discourse, and for that matter the utilization of an already established one.”

Again, in this one I simply connect two similar ideas and no one is more important than the other, they just both connect to the same idea.

“However, once more, these two concepts alone are not the absolute solution, and neither is the mastery of the IMRAD format.”

In this one, I connect to both ideas, even using the word “neither” , but this just creates a more “and”, connecting the ideas, and not making either idea more important than the other, but rather just building off of and relating to one another.


“This is the case with the notion of a “Discourse”, or more appropriately a Scientific Discourse.”

With the phrasing of “more appropriately” I make the second part more significant and draw attention to that more, building off the first, making it a hierarchy.

“Among these seven concepts, only one mentions all three of the shared parts of a Discourse, and even goes further in its analysis;” 

In this introduction to a quote, I use the words “even goes further” focuses the attention on the second part, and while there are two ideas, the second is made more important to pay attention to.