Student’s views of teachers
When Williams talks about how important a student’s view on their teacher is, whether it be positive or negative, and the impact on their writing.
In Kayla’s story about how her teacher “never wanted to be there” and “only gave criticism”.
In this instance it shows the extreme dislike Kayla had for her teacher, and how in the long run negatively affected her writing, and even confidence and performance later in life on other tasks.
Shifts in Identity
When Williams talks about how in a literary narrative or in life, a person’s identity does not have to stay the same, it can shift from one to another.
In Sam’s story when at the beginning his response was extremely positive, relating to “success”, but then later in his education turned sour into a more “victim” or “rebel” identity as his surroundings and education changed.
This shows how your experiences can affect and changed your identity. In a positive atmosphere it is easier to create a positive identity, and in a negative atmosphere it is hard to keep it. People need to do their best to rise above their current situation, whether it be good or bad.
Sponsor as Facilitator
When Brandt talked about how a sponsor does not need to be someone you physically talk to, but can be a famous author or otherwise hero to a sponsored person.
In Hannah’s story how her brother’s death influenced her writing even years later when she wrote her college essay about her brother and his passing.
While she did know her brother before he passed, he was not a part of her life for years, yet he still influenced her writing as acted as a sponsor for her. This shows how anyone can be a sponsor, and how sponsors can have a profound affect and “facilitate” creative, powerful, and different writing experiences and styles.
Child Prodigy
When Alexander talks about the identity of a Child prodigy and how it is when someone is exceptional at writing and/or reading at a young age.
In Blake’s story he talks about how his a really good writer, but he rushed through his work and was squandering his talent. His teacher then helped him overcome his problem and saw that he was better then some of the other kids in class.
This shows how not every identity follows a strict guidelines, but rather can take liberties and build of the basic concept. Blake’s experience was unique, but can be classified, but still remains different from all others.