Relevant Narratives in Rising Cairn

Identity Shifts – What I have chosen to focus on in this project is  the significance and impact of identity shifts in literacy narratives. I feel this is a  very key part and gives stories meaning. From good-to-bad, to bad-to-good, to bad-good-bad I am going to go over several of them and delve into them.

For my narratives I have already chosen which ones I am going to use, and I know I am not supposed to use ones from class the other day, but it seems silly not to in this case.

Kayla Farrell – Turn Around – Good (Child Prodigy) to Bad (Victim) to Good (Success)

She was a good reader and writer and loved it as a kid, a mean spirited teacher made her hate English. At the end she understands the value of peer review and is a great writer.

Hannah Clark – The Year I started to Hate Writing – Bad (Victim) to Good (Hero)

A teacher gave her no help and she hate English, but she then decided that she needed to help herself.

Evan Dodge – The Rollercoaster – Bad (Victim) to Good (Success) to Bad (Victim)