Journal Entry #1 ~ Dr Smith’s Talk regarding race (MLK Day Celebration)

I found Dr Smith’s discussion on the comparison of other races to characters such as “beasts” or “demons” to be very interesting. I found it similar to the conversation we had in class about the use of animals to symbolize evil or monsters. The comparisons used towards furthering racism can be slightly different, as the use of words such as “beast” or “vermin” are utilized to show inferiority, but can also be very similar, as descriptors such as “satanic” or “demonic” are meant to invoke ideas of evil, akin to our discussion in class. Dr Smith furthermore recalled the fear of “contamination” of blood from other races, as they were thought of as “dirty”. These comparisons are used to dehumanize and make other races seem less than they truly are. The similarities between the races are obviously so clear that large and outrageous claims must be made in order to diminish them. Such hyperbolic comparisons can and have been proven to be extremely dangerous, as they distance our perceptions from reality beyond rational thought. They take something average and transform it into an abstraction, which allows a sort of mob mentality to take over and replace facts for manufactured and hateful opinions that propagate racism. If we are successful in pulling back the curtains of racism to show people the true, average, wonderful, friendly faces belonging to those of other races, we may be able to halt the tide of hate and persecution, at least in regards to misunderstood characterizations. 

Another point Dr Smith made that I wanted to discuss was one that was brought up in response to a question; the possibility and role of the separation of racism from race. More specifically, the conversation turned towards taking pride in your own race, and not allowing racism to steal it from you. Regarding myself, being of the caucasian majority, I can admit I have lost pride in my race by witnessing and hearing terrible racist acts. While, on the other side of the spectrum, minorities are pushed and stripped of their pride out of fear and hate of what others have done to them and made them feel about themselves. I believe it is extremely important to retain pride in race, especially in the face of racism, as the day we lose our collective pride is the day that racism strips us of everything that makes us unique and becomes victorious.