My ideal eventual job would be either a defense attorney working as part of a team for a large firm or a relatively meaningful position in a county or state-level prosecutorial office. However, for the purposes of this exercise, I will be focusing on a job I might want to obtain in a few years during my stint in law school. 1) The title of the job I will be searching for is something along the lines of legal assistant, paralegal or legal clerk. 2) This job would be mostly menial tasks, but would also allow me to participate and directly observe legal workings, giving me valuable experience. A seasoned attorney or judge would most likely supervise and judge my work. 3) Some specific tasks I would perform on an everyday basis would be taking notes, searching for files, filing documents, legal research, carrying messages, and proofreading written works, among others. 4) Necessary qualifications would of course include working towards a law degree, and some skills I would be required to utilize would be critical and analytical thinking, reading and writing skills, comprehensiveness and attention to detail. 5) The major benefit to a job of this type is the experience and real-world education from a professional, so that is really the only necessary benefit, but others would certainly be beneficial. The environment would hopefully be one of a love for the law and helping people, and the people I work with would also hopefully hold these same characteristics.