4 Moves, Gee and Cuddy

Gee argues that “you can’t be let into the game after missing the apprenticeships and be expected to have a fair shot at playing it” (Gee 10). I agree with Gee here as I believe there is a threshold, while being very flexible, that if you pass it is nearly impossible to overcome. Some generation, … [Read more…]

Revision Plan, Paper 1

A big concern when writing my first draft was the difference between high school and college level papers. I know this is early college, but there is still a different level expected and I was and am nervous about elevating my writing to the next level, with expanded thinking, using multiple resources, and other things. … [Read more…]

Homework for September 11th (Part 2)

1) The first reason for the importance of conversing rather than stating in academic writing is the fairly simple fact that Graff and Birkenstein state so well; “If it weren’t for other people and our need to challenge, agree with, and otherwise respond to them, there would be no reason to argue at all” (Graff … [Read more…]

Homework for September 11th

3) Gee’s first theorem is that you either have a discourse (belonging (speaking, doing, thinking, valuing)) or you do not, there is no in-between, however it is possible to fake it. This one is controversial simply because people like to believe they can become whoever and whatever they want, but Gee I saying you can … [Read more…]

Homework for September 6th

    1) James Gee’s focus on the “combination” of several ideas being the actual concept of literacy, or as he puts it, “Discourse”, is important to him because it is the entire foundation of his argument. Gee demonstrates the need for this combination when he states “If I enter my neighborhood bar and say … [Read more…]