Food Diary

4) Overall, the nutritional value of the meals/snacks this group of students is consuming is sub par, as every nutrient, but protein, the students were not consuming enough. 5) A suggestion for the food service managers on campus would be to try to offer more nutrient rich food, except for protein, which most people are … [Read more…]

Draft Conclusion, Project 3

Students put their literacy experiences to words in the forms of literacy narratives, and in the confines of these stories, children shift from one identity to the next. These “identity shifts” are directly caused by interaction with either a positive or negative “sponsor” that results in a change of the student’s perception. This transformation is … [Read more…]

Revised Paragraphs, Project 3

Original: Sponsors are an unavoidable aspect of literacy, as one cannot simply learn anything by themselves, but rather has to follow in the footsteps of another. Further on in Brandt’s article on sponsorship, she explains that “most of the time… literacy takes its shape from the interests of its sponsors. And… obligations toward one’s sponsors … [Read more…]

Revision Plan, Project 3

My essay focused on, and based on peer comments and discussion they agree with or are able to see the point, the idea that I agree with how both identity shifts and sponsorship works, but I also added that sponsors create identity shifts and identity shifts are what give literacy narratives, stories, memories, and people … [Read more…]

Engaging the Literacy Acquisition Conversation – Sample Barclay’s Paragraphs

**I did my worksheet on the computer** Paragraph 1 Another scholar who delves into the expansive mystery of the study of literacy narratives is Bronwyn T Williams, who in his journal article “Heroes, Rebels, and Victims: Student Identities in Literacy Narratives” discusses several different aspects of them. One of these concepts that Williams goes into … [Read more…]

Relevant Narratives in Rising Cairn

Identity Shifts – What I have chosen to focus on in this project is  the significance and impact of identity shifts in literacy narratives. I feel this is a  very key part and gives stories meaning. From good-to-bad, to bad-to-good, to bad-good-bad I am going to go over several of them and delve into them. … [Read more…]

Some Categories in Sample Narratives

Kayla Student’s views of teachers When Williams talks about how important a student’s view on their teacher is, whether it be positive or negative, and the impact on their writing. In Kayla’s story about how her teacher “never wanted to be there” and “only gave criticism”. In this instance it shows the extreme dislike Kayla … [Read more…]

Literacy Narrative Annotations

Kayla This is a classic example of the “victim” identity, putting the blame on someone else. Once again reinforcing the victim motif. I feel it is important to keep the thread going throughout the length of the story. Sam I thought it was interesting how very contradictory Sam’s experience was from Kayla’s. Later in this … [Read more…]

Alexander, Brandt, Williams Reading Responses

1st response: In his piece, Brandy explains the several roles a sponsor plays in the literacy of those that they sponsored. In my own literacy narrative I explained how my teacher gave me a bad grade in my freshman year of high school. I explained how she did not like my elongated writing style and … [Read more…]