Course Description: This course will focus on how decisions are made in determining the use or allocation of scarce resources in producing goods and services desired by all individuals. Every society must choose, explicitly or implicitly, what will be produced and how industry will be arranged to achieve production levels. Microeconomics is the study of how these choices are arrived at, under a predominantly market system, and how well the outcome meets human needs. A study of markets, market structures and production theory will be central to the course.
My Course Description: To go over the many different variables that are associated with the economy including but not limited to supply and demand, elasticity, government intervention, and business entities, and to learn how individual choices shape the larger economy. We read an influential economic book entitled “Saving Capitalism” and wrote a report paper and we also watched a documentary about an influential economic book entitled “American Requiem” and wrote a report paper. Furthermore we were tasked with interviewing two separate companies, one for a smaller project about international business early in the year, and the other a larger project, utilizing every aspect of the class to analyze your chosen business at the end of the term.
Submitted Work: The work I chose to showcase here was our first project in which I interviewed a local lobster company and wrote a report about how its international business works and how it related to what we talked about in class.