Journal Entry (Remote Learning)

1) This is a passage in which I am highlighting the cyclical nature of war, previously using George Orwell’s fictious “1984” and balancing that out with this passage:  However, actors anchored more to reality such as American diplomat George Kennan agrees with this concept, noting in his book American Diplomacy that;  “some Americans are already … [Read more…]

Journal #10 ~ Byrd + Freedom

Quote – “These were not really my creations, they did not contain my history; I might search in them in vain forever for any reflection of myself. I was an interloper; this was not my heritage” – James Baldwin (from Scott Newstok, “How to Think Like Shakespeare”, 146) Comment – When reading Newstok’s “Of Freedom” … [Read more…]

Journal #8 – Clune + Brody

If one were to attempt to market the Humanities, focusing on its instrumental value as the main concept to be sold, one might end up in the field of collaboration or comparison. Both Clune and Brody discuss these ideas, as when one is trying to become more established or step into the forefront of people’s … [Read more…]

Journal #7 ~ Scarry

I really enjoyed “On Beauty and Being Just” by Elaine Scarry, as the book swept you up and carried you along a winding but rational journey through the ages to think about that which most people have rarely thought about; what is beauty, why is it that way, and what can it teach us? As … [Read more…]

Journal #6 ~ Mourning Picture 2QCQ

Mourning Picture, Adrienne Rich “…shadows, crystals, ceilings, meadows, globes of dew…” “…visible and invisible, remembering and remembered…” The poem expresses very contradictory, two-sided concepts, such as dark and light, which I believe capture the essence of the painting of the same name by Elmer.  Why does Rich choose to put this poem, and therefore Elmer’s … [Read more…]

Journal #5 ~ Revision Project Inventory

1)  From: English 110 (Freshman)  This essay discussed ways and methods to enter into a “discourse”, specifically the science discourse of Biology. I talked about mentors, the full-scale immersion of saying, doing and being, and speaking/writing in the correct format. I believe I could rework this essay into working with the discourse of Political Science … [Read more…]